

Organizational culture

We are an employer that builds a culture of trust, teamwork, excellence, creativity and focus on employee satisfaction.

In order to achieve its vision by taking a firm position on the foreign market, the company maintains, nurtures and develops the organizational culture, that is, the values that the company and employees believe in and promote. Organizational culture is a set of basic values, beliefs, norms and customs that run through all business segments and have a great impact on the functioning and growth of the company.

The company puts the satisfaction, safety and ambitions of its employees first.

Our fundamental mission is the daily improvement of the work process, and we need you to carry out that mission. We strive for improvement in everything we do. In order to create something new or improve something, you need courage, persistence and trust in yourself and others. We base teamwork on honest dialogue and transparency in work, which is encouraged and supported in every work task and environment.

FI – MA. d.o.o. has long recognized the importance and role of employees and their knowledge, and that is precisely why we invest significant efforts and resources in our employees. Each individual is different and we accept this as an opportunity for growth and development, because only by learning from each other can we progress. We assign a key role to employees who, thanks to their knowledge and skills, can make the company recognizable among the competition and more successful on the market.

Innovation, entrepreneurship and the desire for progress are the company’s key values, as demonstrated by new products, training programs, EU projects, good cooperation with business partners and constant expansion into the international market.


Our employees are our greatest strength and that is why we support them in the progress and development of their careers. We take care of our employees by offering them numerous material and non-material benefits to increase employee satisfaction and motivation.


We pay monthly compensation for a hot meal to all employees


All our employees are entitled to annual awards during the year


For the children of our employees


With gift packages for our employees, we try to brighten up special days of the year such as Valentine's Day, Women's Day, Men's Day...


Death in the family, we stand by our employees even in the most difficult moments and provide them with financial assistance


We look forward to every new little one with support for additions to the family


We encourage first-graders with a gift package on the first day of school, and we give parents a day off


We also think about the future of our employees and pay them voluntary pension insurance (III. Pension Pillar)

Otvorena radna mjesta

Raditi u FI.-MA. d.o.o. znači biti dio izvrsnog tima s predanim i vrijednim kolegama koji cijene timski rad. Tražimo ljude koji, poput HR nas, brinu o zajednici u kojoj djelujemo i našim kolegama. Pridružite nam se, pružit ćemo vam priliku za osobni razvoj i napredovanje u karijeri.

Ukoliko ne pronađete otvorenu poziciju koja odgovara vašem interesu, otvorenu zamolbu i podatke možete poslati na mail adresu:


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